Top 10 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in History

Are you searching for the biggest unsolved mysteries that never solved? If yes, check out this list of top 10 biggest unsolved mysteries in history.

The world seems simple but it’s far strange & unanswered. Research says there are several unsolved mysteries in this world. Meanwhile, there are many such cases which never been resolved in history and are still unresolved. Why unsolved? Yes, because most of the relevant excavated material has been lost or destroyed. Some are also unsolved due to a lack of new evidence to get into the conclusion.

If you are someone who eagerly wants to know about such 10 world’s biggest strange mysteries in history then you are landed at the perfect place. Today here we at Top10About going to discuss 10 best and biggest unsolved mysteries in history. If you can answer any of these strange mysteries of history, feel free to tell in the comment section.

So, let’s take a deep.. breath.. and know the most strange things happen in history.

Top 10 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in History

  1. Saddle Ridge Gold – a mystery of the gold

Saddle Ridge Gold- Top 10 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in History

In 2014, almost 1400 gold coins were unearthed in a backyard in California. A couple who found the gold coins cans remain anonymous.

Now the question is where did these gold coins come from? Yes, it’s still a mystery and a strange figure in history.

Before this according to a report, similar gold coins worth 30k USD had been stolen from the US which definitely creates more doubt with this case.

Till now there is no evidence against this strange thing and now it’s a big unsolved mystery ever in the world.

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  1. Area 51 – a place with alien mystery

Area 51- Top 10 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in History

Area 51 is always a confusing topic for long. Normally this is a remote area that is under U.S. air force facility in the state of Nevada. This is a restricted area and no one is allowed to this zone.

People believe that something unfamiliar things are going on behind the restriction. However, nobody has the correct answer to it, only speculations.

Many conspiracy theorists believe that this area 51 is the storage site of the alien vehicle that crashed on earth. You will find several rumors on this location and some also say here experts are researching alien technology.

People also talk, this area is for secret aeronautics research but till the date, no one is sure about this location and it’s now one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in history.

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  1. Stonehenge – a mystery of the strange structure

Stonehenge- Top 10 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in History

Stonehenge which is located in southern England is another strange mystery that is still unsolved in the world. This is now a world heritage site declared by UNESCO. This place regarded among the world’s most beautiful places but unsolved strange mystery. It is just unbelievable because it’s not possible for a human to fix such heavyweight stone in the past.

Many scientists insinuate that these structures are possible because of glaciers moving but on the other hand, some say these are not done by any human.

Overall, the structure of such heavyweight stones is still an unsolved mystery in the world.

  1. Alien Moon – a mystery of where alien lives

Alien Moon- Top 10 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in History

Many scientists and astronauts presume they found the moon where aliens live. But the real issue is we will never know about the truth and exact thing that astronomers saw.

They claim that they saw exomoon with the help of gravitational microlensing where aliens live but till now there is no such proof of it. And become one of the strange unsolved mysteries in history.

Besides that, many experts think astronauts may have spotted saw small star circled by a planet and it maybe 18 times more than earth mass. This statement is till now a mystery and unsolved.

  1. Siberian Sinkholes – a strange mystery of the underworld

Siberian Sinkholes- Top 10 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in History

Long days ago in Siberia’s Yamal Peninsula, a 115-foot hole was found.

People name it to the end of the world and people just spread it like an unexplained explosion in July. Some people say a ‘Doorway to The Underworld’. The other two sinkholes are also popped in north Russia.

Many scientists say these sinkholes are because of the gas explosion of the surface but they never confirmed this theory with any kind of solid proof.

After that in November, some professional scientists and medic teams also climb that sinkhole to know more about that deep hole but they fail to collect any new clue or proof.

Till the date unsolved, that makes it one of the biggest strange unsolved mysteries in history for the whole world.

  1. Iceland’s Volcano – a mystery of largest sink

Iceland’s Volcano- Top 10 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in History

Iceland’s Volcano is another unsolved mystery that is popular among people. The eruption of Bardarbunga Volcano in Iceland is unique and known for its hazardous sulfur dioxide gases.

This volcano covered up almost 32 square mile lava field largest in Iceland since 1783. Due to this eruption, Bardarbunga caldera went 184 feet sink and also swallowed a GPS tracker to measure the sinking rate data.

The season of the largest sink is the real mystery which is till now a question mark for the researcher.

  1. MH370 flight vanish – a mystery of lost flight

MH 370 flight vanish- Top 10 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in History

In 8th March 2014, A Malaysia Airlines flight got vanished without any trace during the route Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

The strange thing during the travel of this aircraft the weather was absolutely clean and there were no such distress signals came from the cockpit at the time of disappeared of this aircraft from the radar.

Many search operation was held on the Indian Ocean but it was never found. There were 239 people inside this aircraft and till now it’s a strange mystery in history that where this aircraft disappeared.

  1. Voynich Manuscript – an unknown language in history

Voynich Manuscript- Top 10 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in History

Voynich Manuscript is a 15th-century cryptic text written script which is still strange, unknown & unanswered. This is a perfect script which is a mix of writing, drawing of nude portraits, and strange plants that attract many researchers, cryptographers, and linguists. But unfortunately till the date, no one successfully decodes this language.

Now it becomes one of the top 10 strange unsolved mystery for the whole world. In 2016, a Spanish company owned its copy write and produced a replica of the manuscript and it’s now accessible for more people.

  1. 43 Mexican Students – biggest unsolved murder case in history

43 Mexican Students- Top 10 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in History

On 26th September 2014, nearly 43 male high school students disappeared in Mexico after the police stopped them to go for a protest. The cops, later on, reported that the students are kidnapped or killed by the drug gangs but till now their bodies have never been found. The world was concentrated on that strange mass murder case but still, the case is unsolved.

In this case, police arrested almost 80 peoples and registered murder cases against them but without their bodies till the date the case is unsolved and mystery for people.

  1. Bermuda Triangle – a place with the unsolved mystery

Bermuda Triangle- Top 10 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in History

Bermuda Triangle is one of the most popular and strange unsolved mystery ever that most of the people know. It appears like a triangular shape and it is inside the North Atlantic Ocean. This is the area where many airplanes and ships have gone missing for 500 years.

Many people also know the Bermuda triangle as Devil’s triangle. Many say these missing ships and flights are because of the sea monsters or you can say UFOs.

In 2018, a documentary came on the Bermuda triangle and it suggests that the disappearances happen because of the 30-meter tall rouge waves which can easily sink any flight or ships which even try to navigate that particular area.

But nobody successfully solves this mystery and still, it is the biggest mystery in the world.

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